
cdt avro [COMMAND]

avro functionality, allows user to generate and inspect Avro files.

cdt avro [COMMAND]
Avro Utility command
$ cdt avro [COMMAND]
-c, --command=command commands supported: get_schema,to_json,to_avro,to_csv
-f, --file=file input file path
-h, --help show CLI help
-o, --output=output output file path
-t, --schemaType=schemaType schema type file path### Finding avro of a given string for default type ( SHA1 )

Finding Schema for an Avro file

We can use -f or --file flag to pass input file

$ cdt avro get_schema -f 'test/resources/avro/person.avro'
✔ success Avro Schema
"name": "Person",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
"name": "ID",
"type": "long"
"name": "First",
"type": "string"
"name": "Last",
"type": "string"
"name": "Phone",
"type": "string"
"name": "Age",
"type": "int"

We can also use -o or --output flag to pass output file ( optional ), if you want output in some file.

$ cdt avro get_schema -f 'test/resources/avro/person.avro' -o 'schema.avsc'
ℹ info Could not find file: schema.avsc, creating new one
✔ success output written to file: schema.avsc

Extracting data from an Avro file

Supported Output types - CSV and JSON use to_json and to_csv command to extract data in JSON and CSV format respectively.

$ cdt avro to_json -f 'test/resources/avro/person.avro' -o 'test/resources/avro/output/person.json'
✔ Converting Avro To Json
⚠ warning File already exists: test/resources/avro/output/person.json, overriding content
✔ success Json written to file: test/resources/avro/output/person.json

If file already exists, it will be overridden in the process.

Generating Avro file

for generating Avro file, you must provide Schema ( -t or --type flag ) along with Input and Output file paths. schema file(.avsc) can be created manually or generated using get_schema command

$ cdt avro to_avro -f 'test/resources/avro/twitter.json' -o 'test/resources/avro/output/twitter.avro' -t 'test/resources/avro/twitter.avsc'
✔ Generating Avro
ℹ info reading file: test/resources/avro/twitter.json
✔ success Avro written to file: test/resources/avro/output/twitter.avro